Are you feeling overwhelmed with hiring challenges? Imagine finding a top-notch professional who excels in bookkeeping, 提供战略咨询, 还能应对复杂的税收问题, 这一切都是为了一个初级记账员的成本. 这听起来好得令人难以置信吗? 这不是.

拥抱LBMC的力量 客户咨询 & 会计服务 (CAAS), where our seasoned accounting firm delivers outsourced accounting solutions that can bridge this hiring gap. With us, you might be able to even eliminate the need for the position entirely. 

客户咨询简介 & 会计服务

客户咨询 & 会计服务(CAAS), 也被称为外包会计, 客户会计服务, 或云会计服务(CAS), have been used by innovative companies for years.

的 recent developments in cloud computing and the ease of remote work have made it easy for companies in all kinds of industries to partner with a CAAS firm to receive a higher caliber of accounting at a fraction of the cost of a traditional approach.

客户会计服务的范围很广, covering everything from basic bookkeeping tasks to more advanced CFO-level strategic initiatives. Regardless of how much support you need, the savings are clear.

初级簿记员的薪水 可能高达57000美元. But the true costs of hiring an in-house employee go far beyond that: payroll taxes, 额外的好处, 培训时间, 人力资源问题. That’s not even considering the fact that staff members take vacations and sick days, or that you need to provide them with all the resources they need to be successful. 总的来说, these kinds of additional investments can add tens of thousands of dollars to the total cost of running your bookkeeping function.

Companies with the willingness to embrace the latest technology use LBMC to do that work for $3,000 to $4,000 /月, 加上一次性的安装费用*. 作为回报, they receive high-quality bookkeeping backed by the talent and resources of a full-service 注册会计师事务所.

雇佣一个 注册会计师事务所 to serve as your accounting department gives you access to dedicated financial professionals who are invested in seeing your company succeed. Bookkeeping experts will be performing the day-to-day functions using tried-and-tested processes used by other leading businesses in your industry.

You’ll also benefit from unrivaled access to your CPA. With the full suite of 注册会计师事务所 resources to assist with 税务和遗产规划策略, 预算, 预测, 关键绩效指标分析, 还有更多, you’ll never be in the dark about a financial issue again.

今天, many innovative companies have concluded the benefits greatly outweigh the loss of a person in a seat in the office. In today’s virtual environment, many companies already allow for some degree of remote work anyway.

如何开始客户咨询 & 会计服务

If all of these benefits sound good to you, your next question follows naturally.


Here’s how things work when you partner with LBMC’s CAAS team.


第一个, you’re introduced to an onboarding team consisting of a CPA, 入职专家, 还有一个簿记员. 在第一周, the team gains access to your accounting software, 评估你目前的会计环境, and makes recommendations to enable a seamless transition.


After this initial assessment, our team will begin to implement your bespoke accounting plan. 就是这个样子, 以及需要多长时间, depends on the services that your business has chosen and the quality of your existing accounting infrastructure.


在入职周期完成之后, our bookkeepers will record your transactions daily, 每周, 或每月, and reconcile all bank and credit card statements. You have full access to see your financial information in real time whenever you want.

在每个月末, 或者你选择的周期, our team provides you with financial statements and analysis compiled by a CPA. If you have any questions, you can email, call, or text your CPA as needed.

Work with LBMC: A Leading Client 会计 Service

Reliable financial data is at the heart of every successful business. 没有它, it’s impossible for leaders to make well-informed decisions that chart a path to success for their business. Everything flows from getting the basics right––and outsourcing is a surefire way to achieve that.

At LBMC, it’s our mission to help entrepreneurial businesses excel. We’re constantly innovating our practice and services to bring our clients a range of forward-leaning solutions that lead to successful outcomes.

If you’re interested in learning more about how LBMC’s outsourced client advisory and accounting services can address your company’s needs, 立即明升体育app下载.

* Estimated – Will vary depending on individual company circumstances.

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